And so it begins…


Welcome to my new site where I am going to document my progress building a Haynes Roadster from scratch.  I’ll also be updating my restoration build of an old Westfield SE that has been in ‘storage’ for more than 10 years.


As mentioned above my father in-law has an old Westfield (been sitting in storage for 10+ years – can see it in the photos) and I am currently stripping it down and re building it up.  But when it’s finished my brother-in-law will take ownership of it.  So I came across ‘The book’ when searching the Haynes website for a Serra manual to strip and rebuild the 2.0L pinto powering the Westfield – decided to scrap the pinto and put in a 2.0L Zetec instead, but that’s another story.

well I was set on the idea of building my own car alongside my In-laws Westfield project.  I have only been welding for a few months (MIG) but I feel confident enough to have faith in my welding now (been practising like a madman).  I have an engineering background but at only 25 years old don’t have too much experience so I’m learning as I go along.

Currently working on…

I bought the manual and have just started the base board construction from 2440 x 1220 mm 22mm thick MDF supported by a frame of 75x50mm wood as per the book.  Atm it is resting on a table but before I begin cutting metal I have 100x100mm fence posts to chop up and make proper legs with.

After introducing myself on the Haynes website forum I am going to order the correct steel (2.0mm ERW box)

Here are a few photos of my progress so far.  Only started yesterday but worked the whole day to get this far.  Starting to measure out the jig working to a 0.5mm straight tolerance and 2.5 Deg angular:

Oh and I have a habit of completely tidying my garage / tools before I close down for the night, but during work theres tools everywhere though (heh some people have worse habits).  These photos were shot after I had tidied up.  I HATE spending an hour to try to find any tools I require the next day.

Thats it for now.  Once I get the steel and start to construct the lower chassis I’ll post an update, until then have fun.  I am still playing around with wordpress so the layout will change until I settle on the features and layout I like so stay tuned.

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